
Reflective Technology
Work around your patient, not your light. Staff and instruments can be positioned where they need to be, as the reflected light of Helios 1800 minimizes shadowing. An extended depth of field provides flexibility to bring the light as close to or as far from the oral cavity as necessary, all while maintaining a crisp and consistent light pattern.

Precise Light Pattern
The Helios 1800 provides a crisp, consistent 3” x 6” light pattern that focuses only where you need it and stays out of the patient’s eyes. Consistency ensures proper illumination in all areas of the oral cavity. Adjustable intensity for high, medium or low helps minimize eye fatigue

Ease of Use
Optimally placed dual touchpads means easy control of the Helios 1800. Doctor or assistant can easily adjust intensity or power with just the touch of a button, while triple axis motion delivers ultimate flexibility for any procedure.

Energy Savings
Expect a minimum of 70% energy savings compared to traditional halogen lights. Cool operation means no ambient heat or discomfort to the patient